Archiv für den Monat Februar 2016

BREAKING: Graphic Video That Will Make Everyone Avoid PetSmart

Breaking News
Dehydrated bearded dragons clamored for water and drank continuously for up to four minutes when it was offered to them by PETA’s eyewitness.
Dear S. Hanah,

A PETA exposé reveals suffering animals warehoused in filthy conditions at Reptiles by Mack, yet another major supplier to PetSmart and many other stores. Tens of thousands of frogs, lizards, turtles, snakes, bearded dragons, and other reptiles were confined to barren, filthy, crowded plastic tubs and deprived of even the most basic care, such as fresh food and water, heat and UV lamps, and veterinary attention. Emaciated, lethargic animals were often found by PETA’s eyewitnesses, who also saw hundreds of animals who had died or been killed.

One worker told an eyewitness that tortoises were intentionally deprived of water, despite his repeated complaints. Upper management had „no … empathy for the animals,“ he said. „They just really run it like a business.“

Severely crowded bearded dragons fought over food, leading to mangled limbs, some just left by workers to rot off. One worker said that he had cut off a bearded dragon’s leg with wire cutters and „snap[ped]“ off their tails with his fingers.

As you can see in the video footage, parched, lethargic animals drank frantically for up to four minutes when an eyewitness provided them with water.

Please tell PetSmart officials that you will never buy anything from their stores as long as they continue to sell animals. Kind consumers can easily find companion-animal supplies at businesses that don’t sell animals, including Target, Walgreens, and online retailers.

Reptiles Suffer, Left to Die at PetSmart Supplier Mill

And if you are ready to add an animal to your family, please adopt from a local animal shelter or rescue organization—never buy from a store or breeder.

Together, we can make a difference for these animals. Please take a moment to act today.

Reptiles Suffer, Left to Die at PetSmart Supplier Mill


Colin Henstock signature

Colin Henstock
Investigations Specialist
Cruelty Investigations Department



Welcome to the Cetacean Nation

The relationship between cetaceans and humans hnightime orcapodas been in the news lately.

Much of it is discouraging. While many people work hard to free orcas from oceanaria in Florida and San Diego, boaters are increasingly crowding Puget Sound’s resident orcas away from their fast-dwindling food supply. In Baja, Mitsubishi finally decides under pressure not to mine salt in one of the gray whales last unspoiled breeding grounds.

These issues may seem unrelated, although they indirectly address the recently proposed concept of The Cetacean Nation. I begin this essay with a general critique of that proposal. Then comes the proposal itself as conceived by its promoters.As always, the visionary relationship humans have with cetaceans provides a harbinger of how we should be relating to all of nature. When you finish reading the proposal below, read it again in a week or a month, but this time swap grizzly bear, or green turtle, or trumpeter swan for every reference made here to cetaceans.






Cancelled hunt could save 154 Icelandic fin whales this summer

Sign our petition and help end Japanese whaling

Dear Supporter

Make Japanese whaling a deal breaker

Japan has been resolutely defending its right to whale, in the face of almost universal condemnation.

However, we now have a golden opportunity to exert pressure that Japan simply cannot afford to ignore – economic pressure.

Japan and the EU are currently negotiating a free trade agreement, worth billions of Yen and Euros. The voice of the European Parliament has the power to say ‘no’ to the agreement, if Japan continues to hunt whales. Over the next three months we will be taking the message to Brussels that it is within their power to stop Japanese whaling. But we need your help.

We are working with our partners Care2 to promote this campaign across Europe and to encourage as many people as possible to get involved.

Please sign our petition and make your voice heard as the EU Parliament is acting on your behalf. 

We need to leave the EU in no doubt about how strongly its citizens, like you, feel about this issue!

We can’t allow such a new trade agreement between the ‚whale friendly‘ EU and a whaling country like Japan. Japan has been blatant in its drive to continue whaling; practically exempting itself from the International Court of Justice ruling that its whaling is illegal, and declaring it will increase its hunt to 333 minke whales a year for 12 years – that’s the slaughter of 3,996 whales!

Let’s stop the slaughter for good.  Ask the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, to use its power and say ‘no’ to a new trade agreement until the whaling stops.


Slaughtered minke whales
Fin whaling in Iceland

Campaign success – no fin whaling in Iceland this summer.

An end to whale hunting in Iceland took a step closer last week as Kristjan Loftsson, owner of Iceland’s only fin whaling company, Hvalur hf, announced that he will not be sending out hunting vessels to slaughter endangered fin whales this summer.

This is such a fantastic success. Amongst other activities in Iceland, WDC has been campaigning for years against the transport of whale meat across European ports, making it increasingly difficult for Icelandic whalers to ship to Japan.

This demonstrates that campaigning works, we can make a difference and together we will confine whaling to the history books.



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Flüchtlingsfamilie verprügelt 19-jährige Frau

Das Erwachen der Valkyrjar

Vier Bewohner einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Tempelhof haben eine Mitarbeiterin des Sicherheitsdienstes angegriffen. Nach einem Streit beleidigten und schlugen die Flüchtlinge die 19-Jährige, wie die Polizei mitteilte.

Sie sollen zudem auf die junge Frau eingetreten haben, als sie am Boden lag. Das Opfer erlitt leichte Gesichtsverletzungen und starke Kopfschmerzen. Die Hintergründe sind noch unklar.

Bei den mutmaßlichen Tätern handelt es sich um drei Mitglieder einer Familie – eine 14-Jährige, eine 18-Jährige und einen 21-Jährigen – sowie eine 46-jährige Frau. Sie waren beim Eintreffen der Polizei nicht mehr auf dem Gelände und konnten zunächst nicht befragt werden. Gegen sie wird wegen des Verdachts auf gefährliche Körperverletzung ermittelt.


Gruß an die, die sich wehren


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